The periodic function is called periodically (Understandably), basically over and over and over every 20ms while the robot is enabled and in autonomous mode.
What you should do is make use of both the autonomousInit() and autonomousPeriodic() functions. Hi, welcome to FRC! First I'm just going to give you the solution, then I'm going to explain why that's the solution.
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Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.” Under strict rules, limited resources, and an intense six-week time limit, teams of 20 or more students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. From FIRST’s website “We call FIRST Robotics Competition the ultimate Sport for the Mind. Welcome to the sub-reddit for the international First Robotics Competition (FRC).